Student Injury and/or Exposure to Blood-borne Pathogens Policy & Procedure

Standard Precautions will be observed by all employees and students to prevent contact with blood or other potentially infectious materials. All blood or other potentially infectious materials will be considered infectious regardless of the perceived status of the source individual.

Students sustaining an illness, injury, or accidental puncture wound and/or mucous
membrane exposure to blood, body fluid or blood-borne pathogen shall comply with the following protocol:

  1.  Students injured or exposed to blood-borne pathogens in a clinical setting should follow the policies governing such injuries or exposures of the clinical site. The student must report the injury or exposure immediately to the clinical instructor.
  2. Injuries or exposures shall include but are not limited to; actual bodily injury occurring on the premises of the clinical site while the student is on clinical grounds, as well as exposure to blood-borne and/or communicable diseases. Students who incur injuries and/or exposures at a clinical facility must comply with that facility’s policy and procedure pertinent to the injury/exposure. This compliance includes completing all required documentation and reporting as required by the clinical site where the injury and/or exposure occurred. At a minimum, all student injuries or exposures must be reported to Signature Healthcare immediately by calling (515) 252-0000 - answered 24/7.
  3. The clinical instructor present when the student's injury or exposure occurred shall ensure that the student receives appropriate medical attention, and the incident report is completed immediately following the injury or exposure. In the case of a severe injury, the clinical instructor must immediately contact the Clinical Director of Signature Healthcare. In the event of serious or life-threatening injury or illness, treatment should be implemented at the clinical facility if emergency treatment is available. If emergency treatment is not available on site, emergency personnel should be summoned without delay and the student should be transported to the nearest medical facility for emergency treatment. If the clinical facility does not provide care indicated for the injury/exposure or it is a non-emergent type of situation, the student should seek medical treatment at a clinic or hospital of their choice.
  4. Signature Healthcare is at no time responsible for student healthcare costs. Students will maintain responsibility for their own healthcare insurance and/or costs related to healthcare treatment, whether an injury/exposure occurs at Signature Healthcare or in a clinical setting.
  5. Standard Precautions will be observed by all employees and students to prevent contact with blood or other potentially infectious materials. All blood or other potentially infectious materials will be considered infectious regardless of the perceived status of the source individual.
  6. Students sustaining an accidental percutaneous (puncture wound) and/or mucous membrane exposure to blood or body fluids or blood-borne pathogen shall comply with the following guidelines.
    Clinical Site:
    Administer first aid immediately after exposure. Cleanse the wound and surrounding area with soap and water (for a needlestick), or flush eyes, nose, or mouth with copious amounts of tap water (for a splash to the face).
  7. Clinical Instructors and students shall follow the clinical site’s policies regarding OSHA’s blood-borne pathogen and other infection control/isolation policies.
  8. Students shall immediately notify the clinical instructor following injuries or exposures to blood-borne pathogens. This contact shall be made at the time of the injury/illness/exposure or as soon as the injury/illness/exposure is suspected.
    Students supervised by a preceptor when a clinical faculty is not present at the site shall call: 515-252-0000. 
    Classroom or Lab:
  9. Administer first aid immediately after exposure. Cleanse the wound and surrounding area with soap and water (for a needle-stick), or flush eyes, nose, or mouth with copious amounts of tap water (for a splash to the face).
  10. Students shall promptly contact the classroom or lab instructor following injuries or exposures to blood-borne pathogens. This contact shall be made at the time of the injury/illness/exposure or as soon as the injury/illness/exposure is suspected.
  11. Any time exposure or injury occurs during a classroom or lab setting the student should be directed to the nearest Urgent Care Clinic.
  12. An incident report should be completed as if the incident were regarding an employee/staff member; later in the report, it can be specified that the individual is a student.